The precious child that is growing inside of you is unique, and those dear moments of pregnancy will be but a distant memory. Let's capture that once in a lifetime experience, the glow of your maternity.
The photos can be done at any time that you feel comfortable and beautiful.
I suggest your photos be taken from about 30-34 weeks.
This is when you start to develop a really predominant and stunning pregnant belly shape.
Your partner and little ones are always welcome
to be part of the photos too.

Ahh their sweet lips, twitchy smiles,
tiny fingers, and little toes.
How fast they grow!
The newborn photos should be taken within 10 days after birth. The younger your newborn baby is, the more relaxed and sleepy he/she will be.
This allows me to take more diverse pictures that capture your baby's first days of life.
The photo session takes approximately 3-4 hours, giving you time to change, feed, cuddle and put your newborn back to sleep.
Parents and siblings are always welcome as part of your newborn's photo shoot.

If you want to know where your heart is,
look to where your mind goes.
Engagement is a special and intimate time in your relationship that needs to be celebrated.
Photos will be taken in an equally special and intimate place of your choice.
Please note: Wedding packages that include engagement photo shoots are available.

Be yourself, because
everybody else is already taken.
The Internet creates the need to stay connected in a globalized world where it is more important than ever to present yourself professionally across various online applications.
Headshots are no longer exclusively for actors or models, they can serve a purpose for everyone. I will work with you to customize your headshots, making sure they can be used based on your specfic needs.